Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sandwich Shop Douchery

So my sibling and I went to a popular chain sandwich shop one day. It was about 3 in the afternoon-not exactly peak hours and there is a crowd inside of maybe 10 people jostling trying to get their orders taken. The sibling and I wondered what was going on.

Then the frightening scene unfolded: Late Lunch Douchery.

Now, I will admit quite freely that I'm pissy when I'm hungry. I get irrationally peeved at the littlest things (imagine that) and I am in no mood for dumbassery. But these two took it to another level previously unseen by myself or the other Sandwich Shop patrons and staff.

The scene went on as such:

There are two Late Lunch Douches ordering at least 10 sandwiches. They are holding up the line. The ladies behind the counter are becoming more and more frustrated because the two Late Lunch Douches are ordering for the entire office but won't let anyone else pay for their sandwiches first.

All occupants of said sandwich shop are on edge.

Then, suddenly it feels as though every takes a breath in and sucks all the oxygen out the room as a shout rents the air:


A bump and the plastic (glass?) protecting the precious sandwich ingredients is nearly knocked from it's metal clasps. A finger jabs into it, making it bulge and quake.


I turn to my sister and say, loudly and passive aggressively, "It's cheese, not the end of the world".

The Late Luncher who shouted slowly turns around and I proceed to wet my pants.

Standing before me is a woman older than 50 who is wearing a tacky brown pantsuit with an ill-fitted top. Her hair is askew. Her shoes are sensible slingbacks. Perfect for a thankless office job. She opens her fat trap:

"Well she's (pointing at poor sandwich shop employee who is quivering behind the counter) the one with the attitude!"

Everyone in the shop turns and looks at each other with uncomfortable "Can you believe this bitch?" looks. A tiny old woman in front of me turns to look at me and my sister and mouths, "Bitches". The sibling and I laugh. We end up managing to escape unscathed but those two Late Lunchers ruined the staff's day.

This made me think about a problem we have in our society. A problem that exists from the very top of the service ladder down to the roach coach parked next to the liquor store.

People have no respect for the folks who serve them. And I mean none. Working at a dining hall as a student taught me a lot about the disrespect students have for people who do the jobs they don't have to. I worked because I had to in order to keep my apartment. Students treated me like I was beneath them somehow, even though I had a year or two on them in school. I had more responsibilities than they did-less time to screw around and go to the dining hall just to mess with the staff. They would ask me stupid questions, try to prove that I was less intelligent than they were and just generally douche it out.

Please, douches of the world, stop acting like the world needs to kiss your feet and that every service worker exists to lick your neon high tops. They are there because you either can't do or don't want to do whatever it is you need done on your own. You need those people. Show them a little respect.

Douche of the Day: Understanding Spanish

I don't know Spanish. I've worked in a Mexican restaurant and thought it would be prudent of me to learn at least a teensy bit of Spanish to get along. As it turns out, I am terrible at learning a new language.

Anyway, I thought about this one day when I was carrying on a phone conversation with a woman who was ordering food.

She asks me for chicken tacos. We get through the rest of the order just fine.

I read her order back to her. She screams: "No PLATO, I said PLATO. Not TACO. Like platter, or plata?"

Me: "Plate? You meant chicken plates?"

Her: "Plato! I mean plato! What's plato in English?"

Me: "Plate. Plato is plate in English".

Her: "What? That doesn't make any sense. I want the platos of chicken"

Me: "Ok, so you want two chicken plates-"

Her: "NO, PLATOS-I don't want PLATES!"

Me: "A plato is a plate, ma'am"

Her: "What?"

Me: "A plato is a plate. It's the same thing".

Her: "Oh. Well what's my total?"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Internet Viruses

Oh, the internet virus.

Here I sit, attempting to start up my very first blog and I get attacked by The God Awful and Terrifying "AntiSpyWare Soft" aka the virus that pretends like it's anti-virus software in order to steal your credit/debit card number. It also apparently puts porn on my desktop and sends me ads for Viagra and Cialis.

My computer has never been infected by a virus before. I've had it for about three years and been quite vigilant and happy to keep it well protected with firewalls and all that. The only time my computer has had any real issues is when I've dropped it and something came loose/cracked inside and I had to have it taken in and physically repaired.

But this computer virus crap is a pure, unadulterated, scammy, scummy, dirty, low beyond douche, beyond dickbag move that makes you wonder just what kind of total loser sits around creating viruses like this.

Can you tell I'm upset?

Who are you, internet virus creators? Are you the same people who ok napalm drops on civilians? Or maybe you're the type who throws a beer bottle into a crowd at a bar just to see whose head explodes in a spray of beer and blood. Maybe this is the mobs new racket.

Quite frankly, this brand of underhanded jackassery is purely unnecessary. There is no discernible reason why someone would do this other than to just be a douche.

That, my friends, is douchery at it's finest. When it has no underlying purpose. When the douchery being committed is impersonal. When the douche who does it just doesn't give a fuck about anyone and anything. When that person's life is worth so little in their own mind that they have to ruin others just for the sake of being a douche.

And possibly for some cash. What kind of League of Extraordinary D-Bags organization would pay people to screw with other people and steal information? Don't we have some kind of policing system for that kind of crap?

Go suck on some rotten balut you lowlives.

The Beginning...

I've discovered that I have a great dislike for a great many things. My ex-boyfriend finds my little musings funny and interesting at times. Other times he wonders if I'm some kind of psychotic uberbitch who hates the world and everything in it.

I like to think that I see things as they are and not as someone says they should be. I get bored easily. I am not a fan of any one person as people are just people in my eyes. Some do extraordinary things and I admire their wonderful acts. But even the seeming "Best People In The World" can turn out to be murders, adulterers, drug addicts and thieves.

I start this blog because I need a place to vent. I no longer have a diary as I am no longer 10 years old.

I freely admit that I would like other people to write comments about my commentary on the world. I want to know how others think and feel about what I think about. I will go about, posting my url under my name in various comment zones on various blogs that I like to shamelessly promote.

Am I out to make money? Maybe. Eventually. That type of popularity takes a certain amount of dedication, skill and writing ability that I'm not quite sure I have. A lot of people have blogs. Not a lot of people make money off of them.

I've set up this blog as a place to express my annoyance at stupid things that people do. This is not to say that I am excluded from this thesis. I do a lot of stupid things and will be including them along with my diatribes about others.

So read as much as you care to and comment if you are so emboldened to. Disagree with me wholeheartedly if you like. Call me names. Report me to whomever blogs get reported to (no one?). Tell me I use bad grammar and have a crap sense of humor. Tell me I don't post enough and that I don't have quality material.

Do your worst. Because all it means is that I get more hits. :)