Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Internet Viruses

Oh, the internet virus.

Here I sit, attempting to start up my very first blog and I get attacked by The God Awful and Terrifying "AntiSpyWare Soft" aka the virus that pretends like it's anti-virus software in order to steal your credit/debit card number. It also apparently puts porn on my desktop and sends me ads for Viagra and Cialis.

My computer has never been infected by a virus before. I've had it for about three years and been quite vigilant and happy to keep it well protected with firewalls and all that. The only time my computer has had any real issues is when I've dropped it and something came loose/cracked inside and I had to have it taken in and physically repaired.

But this computer virus crap is a pure, unadulterated, scammy, scummy, dirty, low beyond douche, beyond dickbag move that makes you wonder just what kind of total loser sits around creating viruses like this.

Can you tell I'm upset?

Who are you, internet virus creators? Are you the same people who ok napalm drops on civilians? Or maybe you're the type who throws a beer bottle into a crowd at a bar just to see whose head explodes in a spray of beer and blood. Maybe this is the mobs new racket.

Quite frankly, this brand of underhanded jackassery is purely unnecessary. There is no discernible reason why someone would do this other than to just be a douche.

That, my friends, is douchery at it's finest. When it has no underlying purpose. When the douchery being committed is impersonal. When the douche who does it just doesn't give a fuck about anyone and anything. When that person's life is worth so little in their own mind that they have to ruin others just for the sake of being a douche.

And possibly for some cash. What kind of League of Extraordinary D-Bags organization would pay people to screw with other people and steal information? Don't we have some kind of policing system for that kind of crap?

Go suck on some rotten balut you lowlives.

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